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Declutter and earn money on Vinted

It’s no secret I’m all about the decluttering lifestyle. I try best to have the mentality of if I haven’t used it in the last 6 months and probably will not use it in the next 6 months, chances are I do not need it.

My mum has a lot of what I’m going to call ‘bits and bobs’ where that includes bits for the house, random artificial flowers, lots of storage boxes, so many clothes and shoes. A ‘winter’ and ‘summer’ wardrobe that switches out, that for me is a lot of stuff!

I’ve listed a couple of easy ways to declutter and get more money in your account for other things you need. I use Vinted to sell my wardrobe on and I’ve also managed to sell books, electronics including cameras, headphones and baby clothes.

If you’re new to Vinted I will also post another article on how you can get started but in the meantime if you’re looking for mailing bags, Amazon has lots of great sizing options here. I have ordered mix 50 which means you can get a mix of sizes which is ideal for small bits to t-shirts and the one I’ve linked is better for coats and larger items. My recommendation is to get an old school ruler out and measure it on the floor before purchasing so you can work out which will fit best – you will thank yourself later!

Ways to declutter

  • Start small, pick a section of your room or house you feel are ‘easy to sell items’
    • This way it doesn’t feel overwhelming once you’ve pulled half of your house and got distracted with keyrings and random objects ‘you didn’t know you had…’ we’ve all been there.
  • Sign up to Vinted which you can do here
  • Take three key items you feel are valuable and resellable
    • When decluttering you can end up taking the whole house upside down, burning yourself out and then put random tealights on for £1. Trust me, prioritise your energy, it’s not worth your time otherwise.
  • Repeat
    • Whilst I’m embracing the ‘one thing at a time approach’ I feel it’s really valuable in sorting through your stuff rather than feeling overwhelmed or even put off by the amount of things you have to sort it.
    • I personally found once I had sold 1 item on Vinted it was much easier and gave me more confidence to put more on there.
    • Otherwise the art of procrastination gets the better of you and you either end up with a house of mess, or a house all online and you have even less time to ship it all out!

I hope you found that useful and you can follow me on Vinted! Good luck! 🙂

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